Rush safety guidelines

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the attached safety and risk-related safety information before your first jump. If you are in our park for the first time or it has been a long time since the last time, you should watch a safety video lasting about 4 minutes in the park.

Jumping on a trampoline can be dangerous. Trampoline jumping is associated with risks such as skin abrasions and bruises, bone fractures and even death as a result of, for example, blows to the head. Understanding and following the rules reduces risks, making jumping safe for both yourself and your fellow jumpers.

If you are in our park for the first time or it has been a long time since the last time, you should watch a safety video lasting about 4 minutes in the park.

Violation of safety rules or disobeying staff instructions may result in termination of jumping time and removal from the park.

Kids in Rush

  • 0-5 year olds must be accompanied by a supervisor (over 15 years old) who bought a normal price jump ticket (and trampoline socks if necessary) in the trampoline area.
  • 6-8 year olds must be accompanied by a supervisor over 15 years old in the park, e.g. in the cafe, from where you can see the entire trampoline area. If the supervisor wants to go to the trampoline area, he must buy himself a normal-priced ticket (wristband) and trampoline socks, if he does not already have them.
  • Go through the safety instructions and watch Rush’s safety video together with the child.

Always listen and follow the instructions of the employees.

Assistant permit

  • The assistant of a paying customer with a disability who needs individual support gets free entry to the trampoline area.
  • A disabled person can demonstrate their need for an assistant with the EU Disability Card (with an A marking indicating the need for assistance) or another document or report. The park can also grant an assistant permit to a disabled person who needs it on a case-by-case basis.
  • The condition is that the person being assisted has paid for the entrance ticket and, if necessary, trampoline socks, if they do not already own them.
  • As a general rule, an assistant permit can only be granted to one assistant of the assisted person.
  • As a general rule, the assistant must be of legal age. A minor can also act as an assistant on a case-by-case basis. The assistant must actually be able to act as an assistant.

Activities vary by park and not all are available in all parks.

My health condition

  • I have no physical or mental injuries or restrictions such as neck, back or supporting organ injuries or heart restrictions.
  • I am aware of the limitations caused by my health condition and inform the staff about them if I think they pose a risk when I visit the park.

Customers are responsible for their own safety and take responsibility for any injuries that may occur as a result of the activity.

I am aware of the limitations caused by my health condition and inform the staff about them if I think they pose a risk when I visit the park.

General safety

Empty your pockets before you start your jump session.

Chewing gum and snuff are prohibited in the park.

Jumping on trampolines is fun, but not without risk. Failure to follow instructions and caution may result in injury or even serious injury.

Warm up and stretch your body and muscles before bouncing.

Always maintain control and bend your knees when landing.

Always jump in the middle of the trampoline, which is the safest place. Avoid jumping too close to the edges of the trampoline and landing on the foam mattresses between the trampolines.

Always land on both feet. Jumping from one trampoline to another is allowed, but running is prohibited.

Never influence or interfere with another jumper’s bounces. Busting is strictly prohibited.

Be considerate of other bouncers, especially those smaller than you.

Jump according to your skill level. Never try to do too difficult or extreme tricks unless you have practiced before. We recommend practicing new tricks on a foam rubber mat first.

Double Volts or Gainers are not allowed. Never land on your hands.

If you jump into a foam pit or on an airbag, first make sure it is free and ready. Never land with straight legs, but land on your rear/back. After landing, exit quickly.

Never land head first or hands first.

If you are tired; take a break Never sit on trampolines.

Prohibitions and restrictions

Entry to the park is prohibited under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Those who are pregnant

  • During the first three months of pregnancy, each pregnant woman can jump at her own risk, there is no special health risk associated with trampoline jumping.
  • Trampoline jumping is not recommended after the first trimester due to impact injuries to the abdomen, loss of balance and muscle control, and the difficulty of treating injuries during pregnancy. Even if a pregnant person stays away from trampolines, there is still a risk that another person will accidentally jump on them. Especially during rush hour, the risk of injury is greater.

Maximum weight: 125 kg.

Trampoline is not recommended for

For those with back or neck problems

Who have diseases that affect the heart/lungs or have other physical challenges